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Mama Rachel Ruto woos American investors to support Kenya’s economic transformation agenda

The First Lady of Kenya, Mama Rachel Ruto, captivated a diverse audience of investors, business leaders and development partners in Dallas on Tuesday as she delivered a powerful keynote address.

The event, hosted by Life Bridge Global, served as a platform for the First Lady to highlight Kenya’s current status, abundant opportunities and the government’s strategic vision for economic growth and sustainable development.

In her address, Mama Rachel Ruto shared insights into Kenya’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges posed by the worst drought in 40 years.

She praised the resilience of the Kenyan people and shared the Government’s determination to lead the country to prosperity through the Bottom-up, economic transformation agenda, led by President Dr William Ruto.

The First Lady highlighted the government’s priority sectors for growth and development, highlighting the immense potential in agriculture, MSMEs, housing and settlements, manufacturing, the digital superhighway and creative economy, and environment and climate action. These sectors are poised to drive Kenya’s economic transformation and create opportunities for local and international investors.

Furthermore, Mama Rachel Ruto encouraged investors to explore Kenya’s vast potential, highlighting the country’s youthful and dynamic population, improved infrastructure and supportive investment climate. She emphasised the government’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and prosper.

“We have a fully fledged Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry that is focused on developing local and international trade. We have eased the process for international investors coming to Kenya, through the one stop shop concept, under the Kenya investment authority,” said the First Lady.

Recognising the urgency of environmental and climate action, particularly in the face of prolonged drought, the First Lady also highlighted the government’s ambitious plan to plant 15 billion trees over the next ten years. This initiative aims to increase Kenya’s national tree cover to 30% by 2032, demonstrating the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability and resilience.

In closing, First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto reiterated Kenya’s transformation from “aid to trade” and highlighted the country’s status as a gateway to the region. With its strategic location and vast transport and trade opportunities, Kenya is a promising destination for global investors seeking mutually beneficial partnerships.

“Kenya is open and ready for business. We have shifted from aid to trade,” said Mama Rachel Ruto.