Our programmes are structured around three strategic pillars: Women Economic Empowerment, Environment & Climate Action, and Mercy Works & Youth Empowerment.

Our programmes are now structured around three strategic pillars, namely – Women Economic Empowerment, Environment and Climate Action, and Mercy Works & Youth Empowerment.

Our programmes are now structured around three strategic pillars, namely – Women Economic Empowerment, Environment and Climate Action, and Mercy Works & Youth Empowerment.

Women Economic Empowerment

The Women Economic Empowerment Directorate empowers women economically through access to affordable credit, knowledge, skills development, market access and linkages. Kenya’s economic growth potential can be enhanced by enabling women to contribute more fully and effectively to the country’s economy. Our goal under this pillar is to build a movement of dignified women who are economically and socially transformed. Our work under this strategic pillar entails:

1. Financial Inclusion and Financial Health

This intervention uses the Table Banking model to financially include women who have been excluded from formal financial services. This is expected to spread to all 47 counties by recruiting women to participate in Table Banking, resulting in increased household income and job creation. Women are also trained to manage their finances and make informed decisions about saving, borrowing and investing.

2. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) & Credit

Through this intervention, we support the table banking groups by providing top-up loans to increase the liquidity of their revolving fund. This will increase women’s access to credit, leading to the growth of their MSMEs and thus an opportunity for job creation and increased income. Training women in credit/debt management is a key aspect to ensure that borrowed funds are well utilised to minimise the risk of default.

3. Capacity Building and Livelihoods

This intervention aims to enhance women’s skills, knowledge and abilities through training, mentoring and coaching programmes, technical assistance, conferences and benchmarking. Women need capacity building in livelihood activities, financial literacy, digital literacy, entrepreneurship and leadership skills. The overall impact of this intervention will be the growth of women-owned businesses, the generation of more income and consequently the improvement of women’s livelihoods.

4. Trade and Market Access

This intervention seeks to enable women to enter and participate in new and existing markets through business development services and market linkages. E-commerce marketing will help women to promote their products and services online, both locally and internationally. Training women on AGPO, tendering, trade agreements, product certification and business formalisation to enable them to compete effectively in the marketplace. Vulnerable women are also trained in indigenous handicraft skills.

Women Economic Empowerment

The Women Economic Empowerment Directorate empowers women economically through access to affordable credit, knowledge, skills development, market access and linkages. Kenya’s economic growth potential can be enhanced by enabling women to contribute more fully and effectively to the country’s economy. Our goal under this pillar is to build a movement of empowered women who are economically and socially transformed. Our work under this strategic pillar entails:

1. Financial Inclusion and Financial Health

This intervention uses the Table Banking model to financially include women who have been excluded from formal financial services. This is expected to spread to all 47 counties by recruiting women to participate in Table Banking, resulting in increased household income and job creation. Women are also trained to manage their finances and make informed decisions about saving, borrowing and investing.

2. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) & Credit

Through this intervention, we support the table banking groups by providing top-up loans to increase the liquidity of their revolving fund. This will increase women’s access to credit, leading to the growth of their MSMEs and thus an opportunity for job creation and increased income. Training women in credit/debt management is a key aspect to ensure that borrowed funds are well utilised to minimise the risk of default.

3. Capacity Building and Livelihoods

This intervention aims to enhance women’s skills, knowledge and abilities through training, mentoring and coaching programmes, technical assistance, conferences and benchmarking. Women need capacity building in livelihood activities, financial literacy, digital literacy, entrepreneurship and leadership skills. The overall impact of this intervention will be the growth of women-owned businesses, the generation of more income and consequently the improvement of women’s livelihoods.

4. Trade and Market Access

This intervention seeks to enable women to enter and participate in new and existing markets through business development services and market linkages. E-commerce marketing will help women to promote their products and services online, both locally and internationally. Training women on AGPO, tendering, trade agreements, product certification and business formalisation to enable them to compete effectively in the marketplace. Vulnerable women are also trained in indigenous handicraft skills.


Joyful Women

Spreading the joy

+ 0 K
Women Groups​

Joyful Women is an organisation that promotes women economic empowerment and financial inclusion, through the unique model of Table Banking. Our table banking convenes communities of women across Kenya by pooling their resources to improve livelihoods. 


Joyful Women

Spreading the joy

+ 0 K
Women Groups​

Joyful Women is an organisation that promotes women economic empowerment and financial inclusion, through the unique model of Table Banking. Our table banking convenes communities of women across Kenya by pooling their resources to improve livelihoods. 


From our Hands to your Heart

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Women Trained

Carakana is a social enterprise that facilitates the transfer and preservation of indigenous skills, in production of quality handmade items, for sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing of vulnerable groups. Our activities enhance awareness and appreciation of unique locally made handicrafts.


From our Hands to your Heart

+ 0
Women Trained

Carakana is a social enterprise that facilitates the transfer and preservation of indigenous skills, in production of quality handmade items, for sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing of vulnerable groups. Our activities enhance awareness and appreciation of unique locally made handicrafts.


Environment And Climate Action

The MaMa Doing Good organisation is participating in the Government’s National Tree Growing Restoration Campaign to plant and grow 15 Billion Trees By 2032. Our target is to plant 500 Million Trees by 2032. We aim to work with women and communities in planting and growing indigenous trees and fruit trees.

The overall objective of Environment and Climate Action strategic pillar is to catalyze a women and youth-led climate action that improves the adaptive and mitigative capacity of the society to climate change.

1. Agroforestry and Forestry

MaMa Doing Good aims to grow 500M trees by 2032. Our strategies include promoting women and youth-led tree nurseries, agroforestry for livelihoods, forest adoption, growing trees in institutions and households, and green finance to catalyse community restoration actions.

2. Circular, Blue & Green Economy

Circularity is essential for a sustainable future. We empower women and youth to establish enterprises focused on reusing and regenerating materials. Our initiatives include black soldier fly farming, briquette making, and plastic recycling. Together, we can create a low-carbon, resource-efficient, and inclusive transformation.

3. Environmental Education and Awareness

We are committed to raising environmentally responsible citizens by developing learners’ creative skills to tackle climate change. We do this through an annual awards scheme that reaches over 17 million young learners, including those with special needs, across the country.

4. Clean & Renewable Energy

Energy access is a significant challenge that continues to impact Africa’s socioeconomic development. Lack of access to clean and affordable energy negatively affects both rural and urban populations with women and girls carrying the disproportionate burden. We are working with communities to facilitate increased access to clean energy for lighting, cooking and productive use.

5. Health and Wellness

This intervention aims to promote the uptake of non-motorised means of transport to promote healthier communities while advocating for just road systems and the reduction of carbon emissions, while providing bicycles to communities to facilitate access to markets and other social amenities.

6. Water Access

We aim to provide water access to communities through three main interventions: distributing water tanks for rainwater harvesting, drilling community boreholes, and constructing water kiosks. The water tanks will be allocated to women through a matching fund/green financing scheme. The target is to distribute 47,000 water tanks in the next five years. The program also plans to drill 162 boreholes to serve communities with water access.


MaMa Cycling

Mama Cycling is a registered association that brings together cyclists and cycling enthusiasts to promote healthy communities through cycling. We engage society to embrace practices that reduce environmental pollution, champion for just road systems, and plug into cycling-related livelihood opportunities.


MaMa Cycling

Mama Cycling is a registered association that brings together cyclists and cycling enthusiasts to promote healthy communities through cycling. We engage society to embrace practices that reduce environmental pollution, champion for just road systems, and plug into cycling-related livelihood opportunities.


The Mercy Works Strategic Pillar aims to promote values that positively impact communities for a peaceful transformed society. This is done through 3 programmes; Mama Feeding, Teen and Youth Mentorship & Empowerment and Emergency Response.

The MaMa Feeding programme supports the retention of learners in schools in informal settlements and marginalised communities.

The Teen and Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Programme aims to build a generation of responsible, highly skilled and patriotic youth.

The Emergency Response Programme supports communities affected by national disasters.

1. Mercy Works

We facilitate access to education for learners in marginalised communities through our Mama feeding program. We also leverage our existing partnerships to establish a disaster response kitty to be used during emergencies.

2. Youth Empowerment

The youth are the leaders of the future; however they report significantly higher rates of unemployment and social challenges in Kenya. To secure the future, we will prioritise building a generation of responsible, highly skilled and patriotic youth. This will be done through mentorship, mindset, responsible citizens forums in schools and training in partnership with TVETs and other stakeholders.


MaMa Feeding

Feed a child, Educate the future

Mama Feeding is a non-profit organization that promotes access to education for vulnerable Primary school-going children, in informal settlements, through feeding programs. Our initiatives focus on nutrition for child health, mental wellness, dignity, and hope.


MaMa Feeding

Feed a child, Educate the future

Mama Feeding is a non-profit organization that promotes access to education for vulnerable Primary school-going children, in informal settlements, through feeding programs. Our initiatives focus on nutrition for child health, mental wellness, dignity, and hope.

The RearGuard

Breaking Forth

The RearGuard is a movement that upholds family and national values for social transformation and cohesion in Kenya. Our faith-based programs enhance hope through prayer, reconciliation, mentorship, and advocacy.


The RearGuard

Breaking Forth

The RearGuard is a movement that upholds family and national values for social transformation and cohesion in Kenya. Our faith-based programs enhance hope through prayer, reconciliation, mentorship, and advocacy.