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Essential tips to consider before embarking on your tree nursery journey

The President’s ambitious target of growing 15 billion trees by 2032 is a vital initiative to enhance Kenya’s tree cover and combat the effects of climate change.

By expanding our forests and green spaces, we can mitigate environmental challenges and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

In line with this national effort, office of The First Lady has set a significant goal of growing 500 million trees by 2032, thereby making a substantial contribution to the National Tree Growing Restoration Campaign.

This commitment reflects our determination to play an active role in preserving the environment and ensuring a greener, more resilient Kenya.

To effectively achieve this tree-planting target, establishment of tree nurseries is crucial.

Tree nurseries serve as the backbone of any large-scale tree-planting campaign, providing a reliable source of healthy seedlings and saplings for distribution and planting.

The establishment of tree nurseries will allow us to:

  1. Scale Up Production: Tree nurseries enable us to propagate and raise a large number of tree seedlings simultaneously. By utilising modern nursery techniques and employing skilled horticulturists, we can efficiently produce the required quantity of diverse tree species.
  2. Ensure Quality Seedlings: Tree nurseries follow best practices in seedling production, ensuring that the seedlings are healthy, disease-resistant, and genetically diverse. This enhances the survival rate and long-term growth prospects of the planted trees.
  3. Promote Biodiversity: By cultivating a wide variety of tree species, we can enhance biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Different tree species serve various ecological functions, contributing to soil health, water retention, and wildlife habitats.
  4. Local Community Involvement: Establishing community-based tree nurseries can engage local residents and empower them to actively participate in the restoration campaign. This fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the environmental efforts of the region.
  5. Afforestation and Reforestation: Tree nurseries facilitate both afforestation (establishing new forests in previously treeless areas) and reforestation (restoring degraded or deforested lands). This integrated approach addresses the ecological balance and reverses environmental degradation.
  6. Long-Term Monitoring and Support: Nurseries allow us to monitor the growth and development of seedlings before they are planted in the field. Proper care and maintenance during the nursery phase ensure the successful establishment of new trees.

To ensure the success of our tree-planting campaign and achieve the set targets, collaboration with local communities, governmental agencies, non-governmental organisations, and private sector partners will be critical. We will seek support and participation from various stakeholders, encouraging a collective effort towards a greener, more sustainable Kenya.

As we strive towards creating a green legacy for our country, the establishment of tree nurseries remains an indispensable step in achieving our tree-planting goals. By investing in these nurseries, we can take concrete steps towards a greener future, combat climate change, and preserve the natural beauty of Kenya for generations to come.

Here are tips to keep in mind when establishing tree nurseries;

The youth play a vital role in climate action and sustainable change by acquiring the skills and tools they need to protect the environment and generate income.

Mama Doing Good, with support from Kenya Forest Research Institute, trained a group of youth from different regions on how to establish and manage tree nurseries.

This is the first of many initiatives to empower the youth across the country with these skills.